Ana Galindo
Past Member

Ana’s design adventure began in Mexico City as a free-lance graphic designer, followed by appointments for in-house design at a couple of design studios, the city's Museum of Modern Art and sessional teaching at UVM-EM. Her free-lance activities led her to the textile industry where she free-lanced as a colourist and designer resulting in her decision to pursue an MFA in Fibre Arts at SCAD as a Fulbright-Garcia Robles scholar. After finishing the graduate programme, she remained at SCAD as full-time faculty in the Fibres Department. Her husband's work took the family back to Mexico City for a couple of years where she carried on with her studio activities and education by enrolling in various diploma courses on art, graphic design and textiles. In 2009, work relocated the family to Toronto where Ana promptly incorporated herself into the city’s thriving textiles community by becoming a CTS member and returning to academia. She currently teaches part-time at OCADU, volunteers in the Textiles and Fashions Department at the ROM, and continues her studio textiles practice.


Sharon Epstein


Angela McIntosh